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Exemple de dossier pour l'épreuve oral de Anglais Monde Contemporain

Publié le 15/05/2023

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« LLCER Anglais, Monde Contemporain Epreuve de Specialité EDS Theme: Faire Société Axe: Unity and Plurality Subject: The place of Spanish in the United States What is the current situation of the Spanish language in the United States and how it will evolve in the years to come? Table of contents An American Language: The History of Spanish in the United States………………....2 The U.S.

has the second largest population of Spanish speakers................................3 Total population of immigrants and emigrants, in Canada and the United States…….4 In the US people have been attacked for speaking Spanish in public……………..........5 What is the future of Spanish in the United States?.....................................................6 1 First document: An American Language: The History of Spanish in the United States Given the coverage of the topic in the contemporary media, a reasonable person might conclude that Spanish speakers are receiving unprecedented Spanish-language concessions in some courts and workplaces, on ballots and campaign material, and in bilingual schools.

Most of these accounts suggest that Spanish is simply a language of recent immigrants.

Some celebrate the spread of Spanish speakers as part of the nation's multicultural transformation.

Others resist its use, fearing the debasement of an American culture that they view as built on the English language.

In reality, these geographically limited allowances represent modest gains when considered historically. In the early years of the U.S.

Southwest, Spanish was a language of governance required to build a U.S.

political system.

The omission of languages other than English in the larger historical narrative of the country has effectively eradicated a collective consciousness of multilingualism, which obscures the broader history of Spanishlanguage rights-a history that extends over centuries and that originated not in ethnic immigrant enclaves but in preestablished settlements. Extract from the book : An American Language :the History of Spanish in the United States by Rosina Lozano and published by the University of California Press, , April 24, 2018 2 Second document: The U.S.

has The Second-Largest Population of Spanish Spanish is spoken by more than 559 million people globally.

Of those, 460 million are native speakers, making Spanish the language with the second largest population of native speakers in the world (Mandarin holds the top title).

In the U.S., 13 percent of the population speaks Spanish at home, earning it the title of the most common non-English language spoken.

The U.S.

also has the 2nd largest population of Spanish speakers in the world (Mexico has the largest).

And the way the data is trending, by 2050, one in three people in the U.S.

will speak Spanish (this data includes bilingual people who also speak English). With such compelling data about the number of Spanish speakers, it's no wonder governments, organizations, and brands are working to make sure they are including them. It isn't uncommon to call a customer service line, and hear the person on the interactive voice response system tell you in Spanish to push a certain number to talk to someone in Spanish.

Many businesses make signage available in both English and Spanish.

And increasingly, brick-and-mortar stores of many types have bilingual sales people and staff who can serve both English and Spanish speaking clients with ease.

I even got a letter from the U.S.

government the other day that had English written on one side, and the Spanish language version of the content on the other.

Since relocating to Florida from Buenos Aires earlier this year with my Spanish speaking husband and our bilingual daughter, we have intentionally sought out doctors, sales people, and other service providers based upon whether or not they speak Spanish. Published by Sonia Thompson,, May 27,2021 3 Third document: Total population of immigrants and emigrants in Canada and The United States, 2020 By the United Nations, Department of Economic and Social affairs.

Population division ,2020. 4 Fourth document: In the US people have been attacked for speaking Spanish in public By Michael Skapinker,, May 14,2019 Caption: It was one of Donald Trump's first acts upon taking office: removing the Spanish language page from the White House website. 5 Fifth document: What is the future of Spanish in the United States? According to a 2017 paper by U.S.

Census Bureau Demographers Jennifer Ortman and Hyon B.

Shin, the number of Spanish speakers is projected to rise through 2020 to anywhere between 39 million and 43 million, depending on the assumption one makes about immigration.

Most of these Spanish speakers will be Hispanic, with Ortman and Shin projecting between 37.5 million and 41 million Hispanic Spanish speakers by 2020. Ortman and Shin provide two other projections, both of which highlight the changing demographics of the nation's Hispanic population and the rising importance of U.S.

births rather than the arrival of new immigrants to Hispanic population growth. Today, three-fourths of all Hispanics ages 5 and older speak Spanish.

However, that share is projected to fall to about two-thirds in 2020.

The share of Hispanics that speak Spanish reached 78% in the 2000s.

As the share of Hispanics who speak Spanish falls, the share that speaks only English at home is expected to rise.

About a third (34%) of Hispanics will speak only English at home by 2020, up from 25% in 2010, according to Ortman and Shin. The story of the Spanish language in the U.S.

is still unfolding.

Whether it follows the same pattern of decline in use as other non-English languages, such as Italian, German or Polish, remains to be seen.

(The number of Italian, German and Polish speakers in the U.S. declined 55.2%, 32.7% and 25.9% between 1980 and 2010, even though the number of Americans who trace their ancestry to Germany, Poland or Italy grew over the same period.) Nonetheless, the path that Spanish takes could be different.

A 2018 Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project report showed 95% of Hispanic adults-including those born in the U.S.-said it is important that future generations of Hispanic speak Spanish.

And today's young Hispanics are more likely than their parents to say they hear messages about the importance of speaking Spanish.

But among Hispanics, use of English when consuming news media, television entertainment, music or speaking it is on the rise. By Mark Hugo Lopez and Ana Gonzalez-Barrera,, September 5,2018 6 Introduction: Hello today I’m going to talk about the situation of Spanish in the United States, so Spanish has been a part of the United States since the 15th century, when Spain colonized North America.

In fact, Spanish language rights were included in California’s first constitution, and the current constitution is available in both English and Spanish.

This can be explained by the fact that every single law, decree, regulation and provision from the legislature, executive, and judicial branches in California needs to be published both in English and Spanish.

The United States has the second largest Spanish-speaking population in the world, representing over 15% of the country's population.

In this file, we will focus on the status of Spanish in the United States.

The set of documents is composed of: - an extract of a book -2 iconographic documents -2 articles Thus, we can ask ourselves what is the current situation of the Spanish language in the United States and how it will evolve in the years to come.

Firstly, today, I will talk about the current situation of the Spanish language in the United States, and secondly, I will explain how Spanish will evolve in the years to come. I. The current situation of the Spanish language in the United States If you weren’t paying attention, in certain parts of the United States, a combination of Spanish place names and a myriad of Spanish speakers around you could trick you into believing that you had accidentally woken up in a different country.

However, if you consider the exponential growth of Spanish in the USA, everything makes more sense that’s why I would.... »


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