Aide en Philo


Publié le 26/03/2023

Extrait du document

« Justice’s main purpose is to establish justice and to be fair, but unfortunately the justice system is tainted by unfairness, especially in the United States, a country with a long history about racism.

The phase when people were oppressed but also fought hard against segregation and for equality.

So how does the art of debate contribute to the fight against social injustices in the USA? Firstly, we shall see that it’s by raising awareness about racism and finally by fighting for change. AXE 1: BY RAISING AWARENESS ABOUT RACISM Many artists have raised awareness about racism through art for a long time and that’s why I would like to talk about the second document: this one is a novel written by Harper Lee and named To Kill a Mockingbird.

The story is told through the eyes of Scout, a little girl living in the deep south during the Great Depression and it deals with how people can be unfair.

The young girl learns many lessons about life throughout the story and the main unfair thing she saw was the case of Tom Robinson, a Black man who was falsely accused of raping a White woman.

This novel shows how much being White is a privilege and the author’s main goal was to denounce unfairness and racism in the society at that time.

She probably wasn’t scared to expose their inhumanity and hypocrisy.

She was maybe judged because of it, because the truth hurts. This leads me to the next document, the third one, which took place right after the release of the novel I just talked about.

We’re still in a segregated country at that time and that’s why Martin Luther King pronounced his famous speech ‘I Have a Dream’, which is the most iconic speech in American history.

By pronouncing it he raises awareness about racism, especially when he says ‘I have a dream that my 4 little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judge by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character’ or *one day right day right there little black boys and black girls will be able to to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers *.

The fact that White and Black people cannot live together peacefully is unbelievable so he obviously had to talk about this major problem that concerned him, his community and his whole country above all.

He had faith in God, and the message he wanted to convey was mainly christian: we’re all the same, there’s no need to make mischief. Unfortunately, after many years we still have to do the same thing as they all did.

That’s what Ava Duernay did on the fifth document by releasing a mini-series named When They See Us in 2019.

The series is based on a true story and it deals with five boys who were from 14 to 16 years old when they were arrested for the rape of a White jogger in Central Park in 1989.

They were of course falsely accused and it’s crucial to highlight that these boys were Black and Latino.

In fact if they were White, then they probably wouldn’t have been arrested.

It caused a lot of protests at that time and after the release of this miniseries, it questioned the place of racism in the USA, especially in court.

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