Aide en Philo

Why is english important

Publié le 14/10/2023

Extrait du document

« Why is english important In an increasingly interconnected world, where geographical boundaries are blurring and international exchanges are becoming commonplace, the question of the importance of the English language is emerging as a central concern.

English, as a language with ancient roots, has acquired considerable influence in the spheres of communication, economics, education and culture on a global scale.

However, this importance of English also gives rise to debate and concern about its implications for linguistic and cultural diversity.

This paper will examine the question of the importance of English by adopting a dialectical approach.

We will explore three facets of this question : first, we will examine the reasons why English is undeniably essential in our contemporary world.

Secondly, we will analyze the problematic aspects of its dominance as the world's lingua franca.

Finally, we will explore how English can be used in a balanced way to promote inclusion while preserving linguistic and cultural diversity.

Through this essay, we will strive to answer a complex question: why is English important, while recognizing both its advantages and disadvantages in an ever-changing world. There's no denying that English has emerged as the lingua franca of the contemporary world, facilitating international communication.

This predominance of English is the fruit of the British colonial heritage and the cultural and economic influence of the United States.

It extends to diplomacy, business, technology and the media on a global scale.

Today, over 1.5 billion people speak English, and the language plays a central role in international organizations such as the UN and the WHO.

Indeed, in international negotiations, English is often the common language used to overcome language barriers, facilitating the resolution of global issues. Like mathematics, English is a universal language. Moreover, fluency in English offers a major advantage in the global economic context.

Multinational companies routinely demand English skills from their employees, opening doors to global employment and business opportunities.

According to recent studies, workers proficient in English can enjoy salary increases of up to 30% in certain professions.

In 2020, the British Council revealed that almost 90% of European companies consider English proficiency to be a key growth factor. However, in order to understand this linguistic enigma from all angles, let's dive into the second major part, where we'll explore the problematic aspects linked to the importance of English in the contemporary world. The arrival of automatic translators is gradually weakening the Englishspeaking world's hegemony.

Rapid advances in technology have given rise to efficient machine translation.... »


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