Aide en Philo

vocabulary for geography

Publié le 01/05/2023

Extrait du document

« GEO VOC ● CENTRIPETAL MOVEMENT: involve the migration of people into towns and cities.

Inward Movement (Centripetal) Rural to urban migration, gentrification, re-urbanization, urban renewal Outward Movement (Centrifugal) Suburbanization, urban sprawl, counter-urbanization Urban Processes can be seen as inward and outward movements ● CENTRIFUGAL MOVEMENT: also known as Decentralization, the outward movements of a population from the center of a city towards its edge or periphery, resulting in the expansion of a city. ● EDGE CITIES: An edge city is a term coined by Joel Garreau's in his 1991 book Edge City: Life on the New Frontier, for a place in a metropolitan area, outside cities' original downtowns (thus, in the suburbs or, if within the city limits of the central city, an area of suburban density), with a large concentration of jobs, office space, and retail space. ● GENTRIFICATION: is a process in which traditionally run-down and cheaper areas of an inner city are improved by the influx of wealthier people who invest money into the area and renovate the properties, reducing the amount of affordable housing, displacing low-income residents and fracturing the traditional communities who live there. ● METROPOLIS: It is essentially about the increasing growth of big cities that have, as a result, increasing economic and political power over other areas in a country/region. ● MEGALOPOLIS: A large urban areas in which cities of significant size are increasingly interconnected. ● REGENERATION: The process of improving a rural or urban place by making positive changes.

These include knocking down derelict buildings and building new ones (redevelopment), improving the existing buildings and area (renewal) or changing the image of a place through redesign and publicity. ● MEGACITY: These are cities over 10 million which face gigantic challenges in terms of providing infrastructure, services, jobs and housing for people who don't wait to be invited to migrate to zones where they hope to find a better life.

In LEDCs and NICs the growth rates make them less manageable than.... »